Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Little knobs.... lots of charm!

So, we've been making projects around here, and this is one I just love! I got this brainiac idea and put it together, and I love it! Did I already say I love it???.... well I do!

 Oh- just so you know- in case it isn't completely obvious- I am NO professional! I try to make my posts clear and step by step... but I'm not a professional- so please read the entire post- BEFORE- you do the project. If you have any questions or comments- please feel free to leave them and I will try to help as much as I can...... you know, not being a professional and all.

Supplies you will need- large flat board (length/width and thickness is totally up to you).
                Small wood plaques in different shapes/sizes.
                Drawer pulls in your choice of color/size.
                Spray paint/primer and spray paint colors of your choice. (optional- clear coat)
                Wood glue
                Hot glue gun/glue sticks
                Hacksaw (or other tool designed to cut metal)

Start out by primer/painting your wood board and plaques.
 This is the king of spray paint/primer combos- I LOVE this stuff1 It covers great and if you want to paint over it with another color it really helps!

These were my color choices- unfortunately I couldn't find the green in a spray- so I had to brush it on.

Paint your board and plaques in your color choices- may take two coats- finish with clear coat if you want.

Next- drill holes through plaques where you want to put your knobs- this is totally up to you depending on the look you are going for.

Then measure on your large board coordinating spots to either put the knob screw through, or if you don't want to actually use the knobs for hanging, you can counter sink a small hole so the plaque with the knob will lay flat on the board.  If you are going to do this last option, go ahead and cut the screws off even with the bolt.

This picture shows the hole cut in the larger board, filled with wood glue to let the bolt from the knob rest in it- it will also give a tiny bit of support.

This is the back of one plaque with the screw cut off even with the bolt and wood glue applied.

Because I do not have the patience of Job... who am I kidding , I have NO patience! I chose to hot glue the plaques as well as wood glue them. So just run some hot glue around the edges of the back of the plaque- but not too close because you don't want it to squish out on the back board.

Now, press the plaques into the back board being careful to line up the screw from the knob into your pre-drilled holes. (note- if you want to actually use this as a coat rack/towel rack- drill completely through the back board so the entire length of the screw will go through the board and you will attach the bolt to the back of the large board- then cut the screw off so it is flush with the bolt).

When you have everything in place, it should look something like this!

Seriously, could this be any cuter???? No, I didn't think so either!

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