Friday, April 27, 2012

Fabulously Fun Fabric For .... Pillows!

Yeah, so pillows doesn't start with an "F" so it kinda messed up my title.... oh well.... bygones!
So, here is a sampling of some of the fun slipcovers I've been making for my living room.

These are fun little birds I made using heat bond, fabric and some zigzag stitching on the sewing machine. The long striped pillow is from a jelly roll I bought and put together- I used the entire jelly roll until I had one large piece of fabric and then I just cut that to size for each project.

This is the pillow I made using the home made fabric yoyo's.... it's probably my least favorite because I regret my choice of fabric for that center yoyo.... oh well....

I pretty much LOVE this one! It's a felt fabric flower that I sewed instead of glued- and I adore it! The actual cover is made from a piece of shower fabric that we got on clearance at Target- the shower curtain was over two yards big and it was only 4 bucks!- pretty sure there will be more yellow in my future!

This funky little pillow was an attempt at using up some scraps- so I sewed the three prints together, added a flap of green that I appliqued the same little birds too and wala! A patchy, funky pillow.

These are some of the pillows on the couch- the second one from the left is another section of the same jelly roll, and some canvas and little fabric yoyo's.

So, as you can see, there are endless possibilities when it comes to making slip covers for pillows!

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