Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fabric yoyo's!

I was in the craft store and I found these adorable little fabric yoyo's, they were a little spendy but I bought a pack anyway because I didn't know how to make them. Well, I got those little cuties home and started analyzing them, and in about two seconds flat my genius kicked in and I realized a kindergarten could make these! So..... I tried it, and it totally worked! Can you tell I was a little surprised? Yeah, well it always amazes me when something so simple sells for soooo much- see, ignorance is not bliss- it's stinking expensive! But, no more   I , you, WE will never have to pay for these prepackaged yoyo's again!

Start out with a circle of fabric- your yoyo will shrink by  about 1/3 the size of this when finished, so measure accordingly.

Flip that baby over and get ready to see miracles happen.

Start by folding 1/4 into the center.

Now begin pleating, simply fold the fabric over itself to form a pleat and hold in place. (I used the sewing machine for mine, but you can use a hot glue gun if you want, just put a little dot of glue under each pleat).

Continue pleating around the circle and holding in place with your finger- don't let those pleats out!

Once you reach the half-way point you are ready to stitch that half in place.

Just run a straight stitch across the center most points of the pleats to secure them.

Now, continue where you left off and pleat the other half. The very last pleat can be a little tricky, so just work with the fabric until you are happy with the last little pleat.

Stitch the other half of the pleats and your yoyo is complete! Yes, the center is kinda ugly (which might be perfected later as I continue to make these- and if so, I will update you!)

These are the little baby yoyo's I bought at the store- and I didn't want them to go to waste- so I used them to cover the center of my bigger yoyo's.

My machine has a "fix" button, it just stitches a spot in the same place a couple of time to hold something down. So, that's what I used to keep the little yoyo's attached. If your machine doesn't have this feature, you can hot glue the yoyo on top, or you can use a straight stitch and just go back and forth in a tiny spot a couple of times.

These are my big daddy yoyo's with their little baby yoyo's in the center. I also decided to cover the center of the little ones with a tiny white button- just for extra cuteness and to cover the opening- even the store bought ones have an ugly center.

This is what I did with them- made a pillow cover. The possibilities are endless- I could see these as an adorable hair clip, on  a lamp shade, added to cute towels, on the corner of a pot holder, tiny ones sewn to little girly socks..... ok, you get the idea!
If you do make some of these- post a link to your blog and let me see what you did with them!

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